The activity was presented by Dr. Faizal Kurniawan, S.H., M.H., LL.M. as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Universitas Airlangga as a resource person. What is unique is that the discussion of submitted legal opinions focuses more on the commercial and legal audit aspects. This, of course, is consistent with his experience in commercial law. According to him, legal advice is the result of a follow-up of legal due diligence or legal review. In the context of the business itself, legal opinions and reviews are necessary so that the company`s stock interns can conduct corporate actions that include steps and things that must be legally prepared. Therefore, the ICJR Learning Centre organized legal writing training to help participants understand the legal drafting process so that they would be able to make a range of preparations and solutions to legal and contractual issues that arise. In addition, this training also teaches negotiation strategies so that participants are able to make good deals and also teaches how to deal with complaints. This training with lecturers competent in their fields offers prices suitable for bags with excellent equipment. Before addressing the issue, Imran Nating explained that both in the field of litigation and in the field of out-of-court treatment when dealing with a case, the legal profession must start with the preparation of a legal opinion, as this legal opinion is important for practitioners and lawyers. According to Imran Natating, it is almost certain that when a lawyer handles a case, the lawyer can “get lost” when dealing with a case if it is preceded by a legal opinion, because this legal opinion will guide the lawyer in the accomplishment of his work. He also explained that a legal opinion is a legal record that contains the views or judgments of legal experts on a problem that has been or may be experienced by a person, company or corporation and that determines what the legal solution to the problem is.

At least when preparing a legal opinion, there are certain things that need to be taken into account. First, the views or judgments contained in the legal opinion must be based on the applicable rules or principles of law. Secondly, legal opinions are prepared in favor of a person/company/company, who seeks legal expert opinions on the problems encountered. It is therefore necessary to prepare the legal opinion in an objective manner in order to give a clear and complete picture and to facilitate the introduction of a single legal action. In his view, the use of legal advice itself is also closely linked to the conduct of the contract review in order to ensure that there are no errors, contradictions or distortions in the draft contract and that the validity of the contract is ensured. – Legal memorandum A legal activity for the analysis of a problem, and this is inextricably linked to the legal opinion mentioned above. The legal memorandum aims to provide information from the results of legal research and analysis to other lawyers from the client`s perspective to assist the client in decision-making. Sylvain C.

Kleefeld, an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, gave some advice on creating legal notes specifically for junior lawyers in his article titled “Write Me a Memo.” When writing legal notes, there are 4 types of reasoning in analysis that can be used, namely rule-based, analog, narrative, and policy-based. Important elements that should also be considered when creating legal notes are good drafting, choice of words, the right writing style, the right way to quote, and most importantly, timely delivery. The format discussed in the legal memorandum is more or less similar to legal opinion in general, but the discussion takes place in a broader area. Both are the same when comparing whether the law violates the applicable regulations or not. So what`s the difference? Legal opinions are prepared by legal examiners/lawyers at the request of their clients. During this time, legal briefs may be prepared by people other than lawyers such as jurists, law students, and paralegals under the supervision of lawyers. Legal dissertations can also be submitted as scientific theses instead of a thesis. In general, the format of the legal memorandum includes elements such as titles, policy statements, problems, short answers, statements of fact, analyses or discussions and conclusions as conclusions.