www.itescam.edu.mx/principal/sylabus/fpdb/recursos/r6581.DOCBibliografia: In the wage per unit of work, the remuneration paid will be such that for normal work on a day of at least eight hours the amount of the minimum wage results. (LFT) Article 82 Wages are the remuneration that the employer must pay to the employee for his work. (LFT) Article 85 The salary shall be remunerated and shall never be less than what has been determined at least in accordance with the provisions of this Act. When determining the amount of salary, the quantity and quality of work must be taken into account. (LFT) Article 86 Equality of work performed in shifts, working hours and conditions of efficiency must also correspond to equal remuneration. (LFT) The importance of the work should be reflected in the amount of the salary for which it is paid, so that the remuneration maintains order and distance from the category or value of the corresponding positions.