Nioh is a popular action role-playing game developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo. The game is set in a fictionalized version of Japan`s Sengoku period and follows the adventures of William Adams, a Western samurai. One of the game`s most sought-after accomplishments is the “An Agreement Forged” trophy.
The “An Agreement Forged” trophy is one of the most challenging trophies to acquire in Nioh. To obtain it, players must complete all of the game`s main and sub-missions on the highest difficulty level, known as “Way of the Nioh.” This task requires exceptional skill and patience, as the enemies become much more challenging at this difficulty level.
The trophy`s name is derived from a story mission titled “An Agreement Forged.” This mission involves the player character William Adams, teaming up with Hattori Hanzo, a ninja, to infiltrate the enemy stronghold and retrieve a powerful weapon. The mission is challenging, and players will have to be skilled in both combat and stealth to succeed.
To help players achieve this difficult task, the game`s developers have included a variety of weapons, armor, and abilities that can be unlocked or purchased as the player progresses through the game. These items can be upgraded and customized to create a character perfectly tailored to the player`s playstyle.
One of the game`s most significant draws is its Japanese mythology and folklore-inspired aesthetic. The game is peppered with yokai, supernatural creatures from Japanese mythology, and features an extensive cast of characters based on historical figures from Japan`s warring states period.
Players can expect to encounter a wide array of weapons, from the elegant and precise katana to the brutal and intimidating axe. Armor and accessories range from traditional samurai garb to mystical talismans and charms.
In conclusion, the “An Agreement Forged” trophy is one of Nioh`s most challenging achievements. It requires players to master the game`s mechanics, weapons, and abilities and complete all missions on the highest difficulty level. However, the game`s Japanese mythology and folklore-inspired aesthetic, along with its customizable weapons and armor, make the journey to earning this trophy a thrilling and rewarding experience.