This would provide supplies for the Levites as well as five men from the tribes. In the event that one of the parties involved in a legal agreement does not comply with a provision, this is called a breach of contract. Once this happens, the culprit must remedy the situation, which often happens by offering compensation. Tax evasion carries a maximum penalty of five years, so it is likely that Grimm will be covered by the provision. In determining all the “provisions” applicable to a case, the useful meaning would be all sections of the document relevant to the case. Here is a business example of providing a contract. These are words that are often used in combination with deployment. When he had a supply of provisions, he always pursued the goats as usual, but only for his personal satisfaction. In a legal document, a provision is usually a special section that describes or specifies an action or condition. It may contain words like “shall” or “should not” (although this is not a requirement). But here`s the catch. Relevant information is not always fully included in the “determination” sentences.

For example, there could be an introductory section describing the different players. It may or may not be a substantive provision according to a legal definition, but it could define whether a provision is applicable to a particular party. It would strengthen data protection rules, provide for tougher sanctions and possibly create a new enforcement authority. A contractual provision is a provision of a contract, legal document or law. A contractual provision often requires action before a certain date or within a certain time frame. The contractual provisions are intended to safeguard the interests of one or both contracting parties. Code du Mont. Anno., § 17-1-502: “Assigned Revenue Provision” means an administrative or legislative measure that allocates revenue from a tax, royalty, assessment or other source to an account of the Special State Revenue Fund as described in 17-2-102 or to a local government. Here is an example of a state (Montana) law that defines a specific provision: If an obligation contains a flexible call clause, the procedure takes effect after the delivery period of the material call has expired.

Flexible purchase protection is generally a premium to the face value the issuer pays for calling the bond before maturity. For example, upon reaching the purchase date, the issuer could pay a premium of 3% for the bond call for the following year, a premium of 2% for the following year and a 1% premium for the bond call more than two years after the expiry of the firm call. Given the reduction in voting rights of employee and investor shares, it is possible that these voting rights provisions could have a negative impact on the closing price of these shares. Confusion about apparent vagueness, because the definition appears to apply to contradictory terms, may be due to an overly precise search for a precise literal legal definition. The explanation for the dichotomy might be more obvious by taking a step back and looking at a broader definition. In credit documents, a loan default provision is a type of contractual provision that describes an expense that is set aside to allow for uncollected loans or loan payments. This provision is used to cover a number of factors related to potential credit losses. These provisions are contained in the main clauses or sub-clauses of the contract and are usually very specific.

For example, the provision of an employment contract could stipulate that in the event that the employee misses three (3) consecutive working days without sufficient justification, the contract is unilaterally terminated and there is no possibility of compensation on behalf of the employee. This type of provision is established in order to establish specific rules for a particular clause of the contract. Deployment is a term that has different meanings. In the legal context, it can be a clause in a law, contract or other legal document. It can also be a requirement or qualification that has been made before. Domestic violence awareness groups rejected the provision, saying it would discourage victims from filing complaints. Assembly Bill 3216 also contains provisions that allow laid-off workers to return to work, even if an employer or business changes ownership. In his view, Rio Tinto did not address this comprehensive sanctions provision against Iran. To avoid this, the lawyers included a provision in the delivery date clause that provided that “if the supplier misses a delivery date twice in a row at any given time, the contract will be terminated without justification or notice to the company” (in this case, the construction company). By including this provision, the company can protect itself against recurring delivery delays that could affect the outcome of its project. For example, bonds often have a purchase clause that sets the date after which the company can withdraw the bond.

Another type of determination is the determination of extinction. This is usually included in some laws and results in an automatic repeal process after a certain date if the law has not been newly enacted by a legislator. Be aware of the need for fireplaces, windows and screened doors, and food storage arrangements. There was a provision in the Union Conscription Act of 1863 that allowed wealthy men to pay $300 to buy their exit from service. In the legal context, a provision is a provision contained in a particular legal document or statute. This can also be called a clause or a contractual clause. In accounting, however, provisions refer to all profits that are used for a specific purpose or expense.